There are many great ways to get involved and connect with others at First Lutheran! Check out the information below to see just a sample of opportunities. 
Prayer Chain
Receive prayer concerns through the church office and offer up prayers as requested via email.
Parish Health
Assist with communion services, serve as a caring companion, knit prayer shawls, send birthday/anniversary cards, and more!
Feed My Sheep
Offers modest, home-cooked meals & a caring invitation to those in need of food, companionship or a “hand up.”
Mission Quilters
Help cut, measure, and sew quilts to be distributed locally & around the world.
Lutheran World Relief
Assemble baby and school kits to be sent to those who need it most.
Operation Bootstrap Africa
Participate in the annual walk or help with fundraising to support education in Africa.
The Shelf at DMS
We collect supplies annually to support the food shelf at Discovery Middle School.
Habitat for Humanity
Help with construction on a First Lutheran build day, share a devotion, serve on a committee, or more!
Red Cross Blood Drives
Help with registration, serve snacks, and offer hospitality at blood drives.
Relay for Life
Get involved with fundraising, the relay’s walk event, or hosting info tables.
Shoes for School
Help with registration, match students with shoes, or provide hospitality during this annual event.
Stuff the Bus
Help sort and stuff supplies for backpacks to give students with this outreach through United Way.
Living Nativity
Sign up to play a role in the nativity, help with set up, assist with costumes, or provide hospitality.