Join Us for Worship
At First Lutheran Church, we are committed to engaging in worship that is joy-filled, authentic, and inspiring. We believe that worship is essential to our life of faith. It is our hope and prayer that you encounter God’s presence as you worship with us. Below are our summer worship offerings:
8:30am | Traditional Worship
Our Sunday morning traditional worship service includes classic hymns and songs set within a more traditional order of worship often led by our organ. Our Chancel Choir, Bell Choir, Kids Choir, and other musical ensembles add additional flavor and depth to the service on a rotating basis. Holy Communion is served on the 1st and 3rd Sunday of the month.
10:00am | Blended Worship
Our Sunday morning blended worship includes liturgical elements, yet offers present-day music of faith alongside fresh renditions of classic hymns and songs. A worship team leads the music, along with groups and individuals who provide special music. Holy Communion is served on the 1st and 3rd Sunday of the month. This worship service becomes Outdoor Worship Memorial Day Weekend through Labor Day Weekend.
Our Sunday morning blended worship includes liturgical elements, yet offers present-day music of faith alongside fresh renditions of classic hymns and songs. A worship team leads the music, along with groups and individuals who provide special music. Holy Communion is served on the 1st and 3rd Sunday of the month. This worship service becomes Outdoor Worship Memorial Day Weekend through Labor Day Weekend.
*September – April*
5:00-6:15pm | Meal
6:30pm | Contemporary Worship
During our Wednesday night worship, we strive to be a retreat in your busy week with contemporary worship for all ages. Worship follows a creatively liturgical format and is led by a worship team of youth and adults. The feel of this worship service invites you into the experience of worshiping as a community of seekers and believers alike. Come as you are. Holy Communion is served the Wednesdays that follow the 1st and 3rd Sundays of each month.
All worship services will be live on Facebook.
*Outdoor worship will not be livestreamed.
All worship services will be live on our YouTube channel.
*Outdoor worship will not be livestreamed.
SUNDAYS | KXRA 100.3 FM & 1490 AM | 10:00am
Listen to a recording of our traditional worship service.
DAILY | Public Access TV (channel 181, on Spectrum Cable TV) | 10:45am
Watch a recording of our traditional worship service.